
SCM Maestro

A Design System for the Wood Industry

Project Details

Maestro Active is the new operator interface of the SCM Group, featuring a uniform graphical interface for all SCM technologies. The challenge was to create a sophisticated and user-friendly design system that includes templates, components, illustrations, icons, guidelines and rules to support the SCM team in designing all applications of the software suite. Taking into account the needs of users, the design is based on methods from field research to concept development workshops, as well as prototyping and testing, in order to deliver a comprehensive design system platform.

Deliverables and Process

I worked as Senior UX designer and Creative Director, at the same time leading a team of different professionals (UX researchers, graphic designers, Front End developers).
I took part in usability tests and feedback sessions with the client to ensure the feasibility of the design solutions.
I supervised the creation of interactive prototypes to share with stakeholders and quickly mock interaction models.
I created concept and art presentations to point out layout, interaction, strategy, and showing how the brand SCM have been applied to the new interface.
I layed the basis for the creation of Maestro, the SCM Design System – that is now being coherently extended to the rest of the system.



SCM Group

My role
Creative Director
Senior UX Designer

February 2017 – May 2018